The French once called it pomme d'amour "apple of love", recognizing their aphrodisiac properties, the Aztecs called it xitomati, to the 800 arrived in southern Italy and Campania.
Since 1930 at Villa Literno call Barricella here the tomato is grown only in its own grounds, whose family, by real farmers keepers, knows everything always.
They are grown to maturity gradually so that the right amount collected can quickly go from the plant to the processing chain without losing taste, integrity, and without heating without the addition of preservatives, dyes and antioxidants that can change its properties and characteristics.
The tomatoes used for our productions is grown only on its own grounds is characterized by a typical perfume, from an intense flavor and sweet, by a bright red color which indicates a high concentration of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, very healthy for a proper diet daily and Mediterranean.